Yearly Archives - 2017

Dealing with Chronic Absenteeism in the Workplace

Strategies for Dealing with Chronic Absenteeism in the Workplace

In nearly every organization, a scenario plays out that drives most human resource managers close to insanity, and it revolves around chronic absenteeism in the workplace. The messages start around 8am, as employees begin their weekly call-of-shame to notify managers that they won’t be in to work again. The reasons are many, from car breakdowns to lack of childcare, but the results are still the same -- less than enough workers to get things done. It seems like these are...

Carrying Out Effective Employee Discipline

The ABCs of Effective Employee Discipline

Is your discipline process clearly spelled out for employees and for managers? Do employees understand the potential consequences of missing work? Are managers consistently applying your policies across the board? Do you practice effective employee discipline? Many companies underestimate the impact of creating and applying a fair discipline process until it’s too late. Employee morale can suffer when workers feel like favoritism takes the place of fairness and teamwork. Worse yet, when policies aren’t clearly defined or managers don’t apply them...